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Kate Maxwell | Posted
Titterstone Clee Hill is an iconic and much-loved feature of South Shropshire, looming above the medieval market town of Ludlow. more
Alexander Koch | Posted
I began to experiment a little. How could it be possible to give the photographs the dynamics that such a storm normally produces? How would it be possible to generate wind and rain on a dry day? more
Tim Parkin | Posted
Click here to download issue 211 (high quality, 147Mb) Click here to download issue 211 (smaller download, 93Mb) more
Nicky Goodfellow | Posted
The muted colour palette is sublime, the soft green tones and the delicate balance of the white foliage convey a real sense of spring more
Christoph Geiss, Mihai Fagadar Cosma, Roy Money & Steven Cutts | Posted
This issue our 4x4 landscape photography portfolio features are from subscribers: Christoph Geiss, Mihai Fagadar Cosma, Roy Money & Steven Cutts more
Christoph Geiss | Posted
Living in “the Land of the Free”, we haven’t really been under a “lockdown”. Nevertheless, at some point, our governor encouraged us to stay at home, and my College has been closed since mid-March. I more
Mihai Fagadar Cosma | Posted
Maybe also because the famous Aurora eluded me during my stay, I have found the ice formations of the Icelandic landscape to be one of its most impressive and distinctive features. more
Roy Money | Posted
These photographs are from an artist residency at Weir Farm, a National Historic Site in Connecticut, USA. more
Hidden Details
Steven Cutts | Posted
While I enjoy being out in inspiring landscapes I tend to photograph the patterns, textures and subtleties of a place. more
Noise Reduction
Guy Tal | Posted
As noisy as our world is today, it is likely to get noisier still in the years ahead. Merchants of noise—those who profit from noise—are no longer just minor inconveniences, they are enormously powerful media machines. more
The Landscape Photography of Edweard Muybridge
Tim Parkin | Posted
It’s hard to write a short review of Muybridge’s life without sounding like one of Tom Sawyer’s exaggerated stories more
Konstantinos Vasilakis | Posted
The emotional and psychological uplifting, the mental elevation you will feel when you find that true connection with your subject is far superior to the ephemeral appraisal of a well-constructed image that will be forgotten in the oblivion most photographers live in today. more
Lockdown Podcast #8
Tim Parkin | Posted
A short podcast this time as a few of you groaned at the amount of time you had to listen to us waffle for so this issue it's a thirty-minute dip into three topics. more
Alex Nail
Alex Nail & Michéla Griffith | Posted
I simply find that taking on more difficult tasks helps me to find value in what I do. Particularly in the sub-genre, I am in of ‘classic grand landscape photography’. more
Close to home
Paul Perton | Posted
I live in a place where the scenery makes it almost impossible to take a bad photograph and so, I finally did some stern self-admonishing and made a deliberate effort to try and see the village differently and shoot nearer home. more
Portrait of a Photographer – TJ Thorne
Matt Payne | Posted
The ones that seem as though they were photographed in cold conditions somehow make me feel calm and at peace with the world. more

Read This Issue
on Portrait of a Photographer – TJ Thorne
Sure thing, glad you like it! =)
- 大家都用什么梯子, 08:30 28th Julon Portrait of a Photographer – TJ Thorne
Thanks for introduncing TJ Thorpe; I went off to visit his website and stayed for a long time!
- Adam Pierzchala, 08:30 28th Julon The West Coast
I absolutely love the Scottish North West too! My dream is to sometime (when retired) live there. Not only because of the landscapes (and certainly not because of the midges ;-) ), but also for the people. Beautiful images (I know most of those places).
- Carlo Didier, 09:21 8th Jul